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    With his friends separated, isolated, captured, it's time for our youngest hero to grow up a little! Murdered by the First Families' war leader, Camille has finally shown her true nature: she is the Midnight-Child, the envoy of Evil! Her friends, however, don't know it yet, as they've all been scattered by accident or treachery. Leila, imprisoned by Neosalem's authorities. Dodzi, captured by their enemies of the Last Families. Ivan, presumed dead. Only Terry, the brat, has managed to escape along with the Master of Knives. Not the most conventional of teams.

    Writers Vehlmann Fabien
    Artiesten Gazzotti Bruno
    Taal Engels
    Release Date 31-07-2019
    Streepjescode 9781849184427
    Publisher CINEBOOK
    Website productcategorie Comics
    Keywords Science Fiction